Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Blog Review 28

Most of the afternoon’s blog activity has been centred around Ieuan Wyn Jones’ appointment to the Welsh Assembly Government Cabinet as the Deputy First Minister.

  • Betsan Powys notes the Labour AM’s missing from the chamber during Ieuan Wyn Jones’ speech. The same AM’s that spoke out against the coalition.

  • Vaughan Roderick takes up a similar blog.

  • Alun Cairns also posts about Ieuan Wyn’s debut speech as Deputy Minister also referring to the missing Labour AM’s as does Ordovicius.

  • Bethan Jenkins notes a historic day for Plaid entering Government and the increasing support according to the Beaufort research Poll.

  • Amanwy notes that the Conservatives have chosen a representative who confesses to having no knowledge of welsh politics as their welsh spokesperson in the House of Lords.

  • Guerrilla Welsh Fare looks at the day Plaid took Office.

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