Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Blog Review: 81

  • Betsan Powys notes the conflicting views of Peter Hain and Rhodri Morgan on the referendum.
  • David Cornock notes responsibility for S4C could be devolved to the Assembly.
  • Adam Price looks at Peter Hain’s comments and its implications for the One Wales Government. More on it here from Bethan Jenkins.
  • Leanne Wood gives her view on the Welsh Republic.
  • Glyn Davies looks at the trouble ahead after Jonathan Morgan’s LCO on mental health.
  • Ceredig notes the Cairn’s – Wood republican battle and gives views on the recent comments by Peter Hain on the referendum.
  • Brit Nat Watch notes the appointment of Sir Emyr Parry Jones and the reaction of Welsh Labour MP’s.
  • Guerrilla Welsh Fare examines the splits on devolution within the Tories and Labour.
  • Independence Cymru looks at how the devolutionist element of the Conservative and Labour party down play the comments of the Unionists.
  • Normal Mouth gives his views on Peter Hain’s referendum comments.
  • Welsh Ramblings suggests the Labour party in Wales is involved in a civil war.