Monday, 28 January 2008

Blog Review: 117

  • Daniel Davies notes the Lib Dems trying to fight for Plaid’s political ground, and notes how boring the party’s strategy in the Assembly is.
  • Vaughan Roderick looks at life after Peter Hain.
  • Bethan Jenkins notes Plaid’s nominations for the House of Lords, as does Miss Wagstaff.
  • David Jones believes the Government have gone too far in offending his constituents by taking Britannia off the 50p coin.
  • Glyn Davies reports on an inside tip he has had about Carl Sergeants falling out with Lyn Neagle.
  • Amlwch to Magor gives a round up of recent events.
  • Ceredig assesses Peter Hain’s chances of clearing his name.
  • Guerrilla Welsh Fare notes more Labour donations scandals.
  • Southpaw Grammar looks at the devo-sceptics and socialists of the Welsh Labour party.