Thursday, 7 June 2007

Blog Review 5

Back in buisness

Dear all,

I am back up and running! Apologies for the absence! As you will note I have added a number of new links. I have now referenced the blogs without tagging them politically after a number of people were pigeon holed incorrectly! (Maybe I am not as politically astute as I once thought!)

I have no longer referenced renewed labour or chanticleer as they are no longer with us in the blogsphere. Good luck to them in pastures new.

I will do a blog round up shortly!

As always please email me at if I have missed your blog.

Many thanks for your patience!

Technical Problems!

Sorry for the recent problems with the blog. This has been cause by technical difficulties. The blog with all links will be up and running again in the very near future.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Welsh Blog Index