Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Blog Review 45

The defection of Rhondda Tory David Anstee has been covered heavily in the blogs today.

In other blog news.

  • Welsh independence looks at if Wales would be too small and too poor.

  • Miserable Old Fart examines Dai Havard MP’s claims that taxation money belongs to Labour.

  • Ordovicius notes Elin Jones aim try and keep Wales free from Foot and Mouth.

  • Welsh Ramblings notes that the One Wales Government has handled their first major challenge well to date.

Blog of the Week 5

This week’s blog of the week (although a day late I’m sorry!) is Normal Mouth. Although a Labour supporting blog it is always very insightful and as neutral as a partisan blog can be. The topics explored are very often issues that have seemingly passed others by and are always excellent start points for debates.

There is also an excellent section “Questions to a Welsh Political Blogger” which helps gives insight into our fellow bloggers ideas and motives.