Monday, 21 January 2008

Blog Review: 112

  • David Cornock says the Conservatives are the pot calling the kettle black.
  • Bethan Jenkins looks at Rhori Morgan’s views (or lack of them) on his successor and Northan Rock.
  • David Jones looks at the safety of communities and suggests the Home Secretary speak to someone who knows about it.
  • Paul Flynn praises David Milliband's growing stature and suggests Nick Clegg has made a week start to his leadership.
  • Peter Black blogs on what he sees as a two faced plaid position as well as detailing Peter Hains “friends.” The Lib Dem AM also looks at the issue of more missing data.
  • Guerrilla Welsh Fare notes Adam Price’s article in the Western Mail.
  • Miss Wagstaff looks at the official portrait of Tony Blair as well as the product and process of the One Wales Government.
  • Ordovicius examines Plaid shortlist for the House of Lords.
  • Southpaw Grammar posts on the issue of Northern Rock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick Clegg has made a week start to his leadership
Thought he had been in the job longer than a week :>) ha ha