Thursday, 17 January 2008

Blog Review: 110

  • David Cornock notes Peter Hain’s “slap in the face” for Wales.
  • Matt Withers highlights the difference of support for Hain depending on your langauge.
  • Huw Lewis stands up for Peter Hain.
  • Paul Flynn highlights Nick Davies’ new book on falsehoods and untruths in the media, including in his view the Peter hain situation.
  • Martin Eaglestone publishes a letter he wrote attacking Cymdeithas yr Iaith’s protest.
  • Ceredig makes the distinction between Hain’s case and that of other party’s.
  • Guerrilla Welsh Fare asks if there is too much money in politics.
  • Ordovicius gives a repost to peter Blacks Plaid U-Turn blog. The origional post can be found here.


Anonymous said...

Ordovicius gives a repost to peter Blacks Plaid U-Turn blog. The origional post can be found here.

Congratulations on fitting in one of your own with the others.

WelshBlogIndex said...

Thank you anon. But as posted before I am not Ordovicius. To be honest I don't see why you would think I am, or even why it would matter.

The blog review is an impartical round up and so of course I will include posts from Sanddef as well as posts from other bloggers. Thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

If I was going to do what WBI does, I´d do it on my own blog.

But then, I suspect that the anonymoron is more concerned that my posts are being linked to than anything else. Newbie.

Anonymous said...

"If I was going to do what WBI does, I´d do it on my own blog."

That would be another string to your bow along with translating VR's blog.

WelshBlogIndex said...

Dont give him ideas anon or I'm sure Sanddef will start taking my readers! ;-)